
50 EN1B-0198GE51 R0801
1. Which terminal type can be used for
connecting to the BNA Bootloader?
For connecting to the BNA Bootloader, any
VT100 compatible terminal or VT100
compatible terminal emulation program can be
used. For the proper terminal settings, please
refer to chapter 6.4 Device Setup on Page 28.
2. After power-on or reset, the BNA device does
not show the BNA bootloader menu on my
terminal. How do I get the correct display?
One reason could be that the terminal settings
are not correct. Please verify the actual terminal
settings. For the proper terminal settings please
refer to chapter 6.4 Device Setup on Page 28.
A second reason could be that an application
firmware is already running in your BNA. As
described in chapter 6.1 Startup Behavior on
Page 23 BNA will start an application firmware
automatically after power-on or reset. To access
bootloader mode, it is required to switch the
operating mode to force the BNA to Stay in
Bootloader Mode. Please refer to chapter
6.3 Switching the Operating Mode on Page 25 for
further information.