
Deep Cleaner Description
The assembled deep cleaner wilt look like the drawing,
LS rnod_-.I shown,
1. Hand grip
2. Solution trigger: press to
release cle_n Solution,
3. Clean SurgeTM button*
4. Hose
5. Hose holder: wrap hos_,
around holder and top hose
hook (6) for storage.
6. Hose hook
7. Cord hooks: wrap cord
around tlO_.Jks for e;torag(_.
The top hook can be rotated
right or left for quick and
easy cord release,
8. Scrub module*
9. Powered hand tool
10. Carrying handle
11. Clean solution tank handle
12, Clean solution tank cap/
measuring cup
13. Clean solution tank: ho_ds
(;loaning solution.
14. Recovery tank handle:
r_i_ h_ndlr_ to unlock t_nk
for removal; lower handle
forward to lock tank into
15. Recovery tank: holds dirty
16. Brush speed selector:
slide selector to set brush
speed on HI, LO, or OFF.
17. Hood
18. Headlight: or_both sides of
th[; hood
19. Edge bristles: on both sides
of the hood for cleaning
close to edges of carpet,
20. Nozzle
21. Cleaning mode indicator:
shows either floor or tool
22. ON/OFF pedal
23. Handle release pedal: step
on pedal to lower handle to
operating (floor) position;
24. Stair/upholstery nozzle
25. Crevice tool*
26. Bare floor attachment*
*Included with some models
This deep cleaner is intended
for household use.
Operate deep cleaner only at voltage specified on data plate on back of cleaner.
Plug deep cleaner into a properly grounded outlet.
ON/OFF pedal _.
Handle release pedal
Step ol1 pedal (A) to turn deep cleaner
on, Step on pedal again to turn deep
cleaner off,
Step on pedal (a) to Iow_.r handle to
operating position, Haiqd]e does not lock
into a single position but "floats" to allow
convenient operation,
Cleaning mode
Indicator will show a green window next
to FLOOR (C) when handle is in the
operating position for cleaning carpet
rugs and bare floors,
Indicator will show a green window ne×t
to TOOL (D) when handle is in the
upright position for tool us_; on £t[lirs,
upholstery, etc,
Deep cleaner automatically diverts
suction from FLOOR to TOOL when
handle is raisod From the operating to
the upright position.
To transport
To movo your d_;[;p c[_;aner From room to
room put handle in upright and locked
position tilt de[_p cleaner back on
wheels and push forward,