
Automatic "shut off"
When the recovery tank (lower tank) is full
the automatic shutoff m(;chanism will shut
off tJqe deep cleaner suction (SUCtion will
be noticeably reduced).
AI that time the yellow float disk witl rise
to the top of the recovery tank lid (E).
The deep cleaner will no longer pick up
dirty solution and the motor sound will
become noticeably higher in pitch.
When this happens turn deep cleaner
off and empty recovery tank before
continulr/g use,
Check clean solution tank also; it llnay
need to be refilled,
Do not use without float and float
retainer in place. If broken or dis-
lodged, take to an Authorized Hoover
Service Center or Dealer for repair.
Brush speed selector
Yt_ur 'Slc;amVac' do.ep cleanc_'r hr_s three
agitator brush settings,
HI - for normal cleaning or carpel and
bare floor ._;
LO - for gt;ntle c][;aning of carpets rind
bare floors
OFF - for cleanhqg carpets and bare
floors when brushing is not desired,
(Such as when picking up liquid spills,
See page 10.)
._!ide selector button to the desired set-
ting before cleaning,
l J'\ / /
The tanks
Clean solution tank
(upper tank)
The clean solution tank holds the clean-
ing solution that is to be dispersed onto
tho surfac( _.to be cleaned'd,
How to fill
Disconnect deep cleaner from
electrical outlet.
Place d(_ep cleaner h_ndle in tho
upright, locked position.
To remove tank, press down on tank
handle and pull forward.
Carry tank to a sink, Rotate tank cap
count_)rclockwise and lift up to relTiove
For heavy traffic areas:
Pre-treat with HOOVER PreCleaner*
If you do not have access to the
PreCleaner Spray, double the amount
of HOOVER Detergent (use 2 capfuls
or 10 ounces per I gallon tank),
*Available at additional cost if not
included with your model.
I 7 m'
Turn cap (A) upside down to serve as a
measuring cup,
Using cap, measure detergent following
tho ch_rt below,
For carpet, carpeted stairs and uphol-
Fill cap to fill line (5 ounces) with HOOVER
Carpet/Uph01stery Detergent.
For bare floors:
Fiii cap to fill line (5 ounces) with HOOVER
Bare Floor Cleaner*
Do rl¢_t use Bare Floor Clean[_ on carpet or
upholstery, Do not use any type of wax
with your 'SteamVac'Widepath deep
Continued "_ 7