4. Condition setting
4 - 5
4.5 Robot lock
Program is only executed without robot movement. By doing this peripherals and states
of In/output and software limit can be checked
“ R123 in R code is the same function of Robot Lock.
① Disable : Robot Lock function is disabled.
② Enable : Robot Lock function is enabled.
Robot Lock is set as <Enable>, the following is displayed in Manual or Auto mode.
4.6 Record speed type
Unit of speed for the step to be recorded is set according to Interpolation condition.
R71 in R code "record speed setting method selection" is identical to the Record
① Standard ---- Interpolation OFF : Percentage setting[%]
Linear Interpolation : Speed setting[mm/sec]
Circular Interpolation : Speed setting[mm/sec]
② [%] ---- Interpolation ON/OFF : Percentage setting[%]
③ [mm/s] ---- Interpolation ON/OFF : Speed[mm/sec]
14:39:38 *** M A N U A L *** A:0 S:4
T0 R-L
PN:100[*]__ S/F:4/0 Sp:100.00
Robot:H120, 6axes, 17steps
S1 MOVE P,S=100%,A=0,T=1
Select PF menu
Service S
stem Rel.WAIT Cond Set
Robot Lock is enabled