
11. Robot Language Explanation
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11.3.5 SONL Command
On-line shift is a function to shift parallelly the teaching point to an any place
of X, Y, Z coordination by using the shift amount transmitted through the external
equipments such as vision system. Generally it is used on the robot base coordination
but the robot tool coordination can be selected.
(1) Parallel shift
When the points A, B, C, D is parallel to the point a, b, c, d as the following
picture, the robot plays back the A, B, C, D program that is corrected the difference
of 'A' and 'a' by using data from the external equipment with fixed tool angle.
(2) Tool angle correction shift
Robot makes a shift with fixed tool angle in the parallel shift. But in the tool
angle correction shift, robot makes X, Y, Z shift with corrected tool angle
according to the angle of robot coordination from the external equipment.
As the following picture,
(3) Jump to shelter
It is a function to jump to shelter step in case that data is not transmitted
to robot during sometime when robot is in on-line shift.
(4) Request shift amount (M51)
Shift amount is a need to be transmitted from external equipment. This function
(SREQ) is to request shift amount.
(5) Request shift amount on condition that time (M56)
This function is same as SREQ. But robot waits during some time (0.1 ~ 60.0sec).
And then robot jumps to a shelter if shift amount is not transmitted during that
Description On-line shift (M52)
SONL ST=<Start/End>,RF=<Std>,R=<Register Number>,SS=<Shelter Step
If 1, starts the shift application. If 0, ends.
If 0, all other factors are ignored.
Std. If 0, based on the ground plane. If 1, based on the tool. 0∼1
Reg. Number
The register number where the received shift amount is
Step No.
Step to jump to when the shift amount is not input within
the specified time period.
example SONL ST=1,RF=0,R=1,SS=10