Flag Description
-A All disk drives.
-D Microcode is on diskette (default to /etc/microcode directory).
-l RAID disk drive–physical disk channel/ID (example 27).
-P Download the previous level of microcode (default to latest level).
Download Microcode to a PCI FC-AL Adapter
The following usage statements describe the syntax of the command for a PCI
FC-AL Adapter.
diag -c -d <device_name> -T "download [-s {diskette|disk}]
[-f <file_name>]"
Flag Description
-d System name for the adapter or device (example fcs0).
-f File name on the source device. (Disk source must have complete path
from root directory.)
-s microcode source. /etc/microcode is default. Default source device is
Download Microcode to Other Devices
The following usage statements describe the syntax of the command:
diag -c -d <device_name> -T "download [-s diskette] [-l previous] [-F]"
Flag Description
-F Force flag. Required to download microcode if the current level is
unavailable on the source.
-l Microcode level. Latest is default.
-s microcode source. /etc/microcode is default. Default source device is
Fibre Channel RAID Service Aids
The Fibre Channel RAID service aids contain the following functions:
Certify LUN
This selection reads and checks each block of data in the LUN. If
excessive errors are encountered the user is notified.
You can run this task from the AIX command line. The following usage
statement describes the syntax of the fastpath command:
Chapter 9. Introduction to Tasks and Service Aids 9-23