diag -c -d < deviceName > -T chkspares
SSA Service Aids
This service aid provides tools for diagnosing and resolving problems on SSA
attached devices. The following tools are provided:
Set Service Mode
Link Verification
Configuration Verification
Format and Certify Disk
Update Disk Based Diagnostics
This service aid allows fixes (APARs) to be applied.
This task invokes the SMIT Update Software by Fix (APAR) task. The task allows
the input device and APARs to be selected. Any APAR can be installed using this
Update System or Service Processor Flash
Note: Runs on CHRP system units only.
This selection updates the system or service processor flash for CHRP system units.
Further update and recovery instructions may be provided with the update. It is
necessary to know the fully qualified path and file name of the flash update image
file that was provided. If the flash update image file is on a diskette, the service aid
can list the files on the diskette for selection.
Refer to the update instructions, or the system unit's service guide to determine the
level of the system unit or service processor flash.
When run from online diagnostics, the flash update image file is copied to the /var
file system. If there is not enough space in the /var file system for the flash update
image file, an error is reported. If this occurs, exit the service aid, increase the size
of the /var file system and retry the service aid. After the file is copied, a warning
screen asks for confirmation to continue the update flash. Continuing the update
flash reboots the system. The system does not return to diagnostics. The current
flash image is not saved. After the reboot, the /var/update_flash_image can be
7043 43P Series User's Guide