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The Contracts module has one new application. This chapter provides an
overview of the tabs and actions in that application.
For more information about this application, see the help for the application. For
more information about standard Maximo applications, see the IBM Maximo
User’s Guide.
The Contracts module contains the following Government-specific application:
Government Application in the Contracts Module
Government Contracts (Gv) Application
You use the Government Contracts (Gv) application to add, view, and modify
government contract records. The application also provides a view of property
records associated with a contract. For reporting purposes, you can summarize
property by class.
Contracts Module
Application Government-specific Functions
Government Contracts (Gv)
! Manage prime contracts and subcontracts.
! Track government contract attributes.
! Create property transactions for a contract.
! Display the property history of a contract.
! Summarize personal property by property class.
! Capture, assign, and mark UII information for an asset.
! Create and view property upload files.