IBM Support
IBM Maximo for Government: Maximo User’s Guide Addendum
IBM Support
IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects.
Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM
software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems
to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see
"Enhanced Support," in the Software Support Handbook at
Complete the following steps to contact IBM Software Support with a problem:
1 Define the problem, gather background information, and determine the
severity of the problem. For help, see "Contacting IBM" in the Software Support
Handbook at techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/beforecontacting.html
2 Gather diagnostic information.
3 Submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of the following ways:
a Online: Click the Report problems tab on the IBM Software Support site:
IBM Maximo Reconciliation Module
Implementation Guide
Describes how to use the IBM
Maximo Reconciliation module to
reconcile the two types of information
that IBM Maximo maintains about
information technology (IT) assets:
! IT asset data
! Deployed asset data
IBM Maximo Report Administration and
Development Guide
Describes how to use Actuate to
design and administer IBM Maximo
IBM Maximo System Administrator’s
Describes database configuration,
security, and other administrative
level applications and tasks.
IBM Maximo User’s Guide Provides an overview of the IBM
Maximo end-user applications. It also
describes how the IBM Maximo
applications interact with each other.
IBM Maximo Workflow Implementation
Provides information about how to
use IBM Maximo to plan, design,
build, test, implement, and manage
Workflow processes.
IBM Maximo Enterprise Adapter System
Administrator's Guide
Describes how to configure and use
the IBM Maximo Enterprise Adapter.
Document Description