DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15) 115
Chapter 12 - Side panel menu
exposure Nom, 50Hz, 60Hz,
1/200, 1/500, 1/1000,
1/2000, Var
Selects exposure time. This function is also
controlled by the exposure time switch at the
front of the camcorder.
lighting -10 . . . +10 (0) Sets the exposure correction to synchronise
with lighting frequency when exposure mode
is 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
1 Scene
var. exp. time 50 Hz .. 3270 Hz,(50 Hz),
60 Hz .. 3280 Hz (60 Hz)
Sets the exposure time in 0.5 Hz steps when
exposure mode is Var (you can also use the
exposure button at the front of the camera)
1 Scene
flare On, Off Turns the lens flare compensation on or off. 3 Lens
flare RGB
R 0..99 (10) Sets the lens flare compensation level (R) 3 Lens
G 0..99 (15) Sets the lens flare compensation level (G) 3 Lens
B 0..99 (25) Sets the lens flare compensation level (B) 3 Lens
knee Off, Auto, Var Sets knee mode:
Off = no knee function.
Auto = automatic;
Var = variable;
2 Scene
knee source Y, NAM Selects knee type:
Y = luminance;
NAM = luminance of highest RGB
3 Scene
desaturation On, Off Turns knee desaturation on or off. S1 Scene
white clipper On, Off Turns white clipper on or off. Use this function
to limit highlight levels in the video signal.
3 Scene
slope 0..99 (0) Sets the slope of the knee gamma curve (in
manual mode).
3 Scene
point 0..99 (10) Sets the point where the knee gamma curve
begins (in manual mode).
3 Scene
desaturation lvl 0..99 (50) Sets the desaturation level when knee mode
is variable and desaturation is on.
1 Scene
white clipper lvl 0..99 (54) Sets the white clipper level. This is the
luminance level at which limiting occurs.
3 Scene
gamma mode 1, 2, LIN, VAR Selects gamma mode:
1= Nominal curve;
2 = Low curve;
LIN = Linearised curve;
VAR = manual curve.
2 Scene
gamma curve ARD, CCIR, 6xARD, RAI,
BBC04, BBC05,BBC06
Selects a standard curve for gamma
2 Scene
gamma RGBM
R 0..99 (29) Sets the gamma level (R) 3 Scene
G 0..99 (29) Sets the gamma level (G) 3 Scene
Menu item Values Description Level File