
DMC 1000 Digital Media Camcorder User’s Guide (v1.15) 43
Chapter 3 - General set-up
3.6 Messages
The messages that appear in the viewfinder are explained in the following table:
Message Description Possible action(s)
Media not present Selected storage media is not
present or cannot be accessed.
Insert media or change the media selection.
Battery low Battery capacity is low. Be prepared to change or recharge battery
as soon as possible.
Battery empty Battery is empty. Switch off the camcorder and change or
recharge battery.
Power low External voltage is low Check external power supply.
Media almost full Selected storage media is
almost full.
Prepare for switch-over procedure or stop
recording and change media.
Media full Selected storage media is full . Recording continues on the next preferred
Incompatible video The clip was recorded with a
different video standard and/or
Set the camcorder to the same video
standard and compression scheme as the
<audio source> overload A selected audio source is
peaking. Audio distortion may
Reduce gain or input level of the indicated
audio source.
Changing to <media> Recording continues on the next
preferred media.
Touch screen locked Touch screen is locked. Press lock button again to unlock screen.
System shutdown Camcorder is in the process of
switching off.
Do not disconnect power supply or battery.
Temp high Internal temperature is too high. Switch off the camcorder and move the unit
to a cooler place.
Replace battery Battery is depleted. Use a different battery.
Replace REV disk REV disk approaching end of life. Format REV disk or exchange the disk with a
new one.
Replace REV drive REV drive approaching end of
The REV mechanism may need
maintenance. Contact your Grass Valley
service representative for assistance.