Calibration A
Color calibration
For best results, the color calibration must be performed each time you install a new cartridge.
The printer draws a series of three patterns. The first pattern, labeled “Current Heads (Y, M, C),”
shows yellow, magenta, and cyan + which represent the horizontal and vertical alignment
between the cartridges.
Current Heads (Y, M, C)
When the colored + lines up horizontally and vertically with the black alignment marks, no
adjustment is required.
The second pattern, labeled “Color Horizontal Head-To-Head Calibration,” horizontally aligns
the cartridges. Three lines similar to the example below are printed with the following color
combinations: yellow/magenta, magenta/cyan, and cyan/black.
... -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 ...
Color Horizontal Head-to-Head Calibration
The third pattern, labeled “Color Vertical Head-To-Head Calibration,” vertically aligns the
Color Vertical Head-to-Head Calibration
The numbers below each set of lines represent the different horizontal and vertical alignment
values. Examine the patterns to determine which value shows the best horizontal and vertical
alignment between cartridges. These are the values you will set in the printer menu.