Ordering supplies H
ENCAD media for NovaJet PRO 600e printers
ENCAD offers a full line of inkjet media which gives you brighter, crisper color from your
printer. Choose from a variety of sheet and roll sizes. ENCAD ink and media are optimized to
work together and were designed for optimal results on your printer. You can count on:
● Brilliant, saturated colors
● Sharp lines and edges
● No visible bleeding between colors
Note: Media is interchangeable between models unless indicated. Ink and cartridges
are specific to the NovaJet PRO 600e printers. Be sure to order supplies specifically
for the printer model you are using.
ENCAD supplies ordering information
You can order ENCAD supplies from your Authorized ENCAD Distributor, ENCAD Supplies
Dealer or order directly from ENCAD:
For the names of authorized distributors in Europe, Asia, and Latin America, call:
Europe: Paris, France Phone: 1-3051-0041 Fax: 1-3051-7080
Latin America: Austin, TX Phone: 512-219-8022 Fax: 512-219-7863
Asia: Hong Kong Phone: 2-2881-8969 Fax: 2-2881-0912
NovaJet PRO 600e Ink and cartridges
Your printer's extended ink system reduces the interval between cartridge changes. This
system is ideal for unattended printing and large batch runs. Each ENCAD NovaJet PRO 600e
proprietary cartridge includes the nozzle mechanics, and electrical connections. It draws ink
from a reservoir in the printer. The ink reservoirs can be filled at any time for uninterrupted
printing. After extensive use, the cartridges do experience some wear and should be replaced.
Ink cartridges use ENCAD’s special graphics arts (GA), graphic standard (GS), or graphic
outdoor (GO) inks which not only give you vivid color, but actually extend the cartridge’s
life. The ink system includes:
● ENCAD proprietary NovaJet PRO 600e cartridges
● 500 ml bottles of ink. Available in GA or GS cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. GO
ink comes in 250 ml bottles only.