©2002 Inova Computers GmbHPage 2-2 Doc. PD008310103.001
Product Overview
The Inova GigaCHAMPION is an advanced 32-bit PCI remote terminal controller based around
the highly integrated ATI Radeon VE graphic engine. Addressing the needs of the next generation
commercial or domestic applications, the GigaCHAMPION with its integrated MPEG-2 hardware
decoder, USB hub, and a rich feature set is able to control remote (digital) terminals with resolu-
tions up to 1024 x 768 pixels some 35m from the host CPU. The local analog VGA supports
resolutions up to 2048 x 1536 pixels. Equipped with the GigaST
R technology from Inova Semi-
conductors, the GigaCHAMPION is the only scalable single channel dedicated controller on the
market able to address remote terminals without loss of signal over great distance.
2.00 Features
By utilising the ATI Radeon VE complete with its fast 32MByte, RAM clocked at 150MHz, the Inova
GigaCHAMPION provides both commercial and consumer users with the most comprehensive
PCI graphic controller ever produced. The GigaCHAMPION is one of the fastest PCI multimedia
controllers available for today’s 2D, 3D, and multimedia graphics applications in full 32-bit colour
and its 3D architecture includes unprecedented innovations that enable advanced new features in
upcoming applications without performance compromise.
The Radeon graphics engine integrates industry-leading video features including advanced de-
interlacing algorithms for exceptional video quality and integrated MPEG-2 decoding capability.
In addition, it features comprehensive support for all new Windows 2000 display-oriented features
together with support for MS Direct Draw, Direct3D and OpenGL.
A unique feature of the GigaCHAMPION is its ability to drive a standard (local) VGA monitor and
a GigaST
R connected remote terminal up to 35m from the main CPU without picture quality
compromise. Also, an innovative USB hub development allows up to four peripherals including
loudspeakers, touch elements, and pointing devices to be connected directly to the remote flat
panel and not the host controller. This development leaves the workplace uncluttered and sets the
ambient noise level to almost zero.