©2002 Inova Computers GmbHPage 3-2 Doc. PD008310103.001
Product Overview
This revolutionary product from Inova Computers enables a TFT flat panel display (either as an
OEM display for professional applications or as a commercially available desktop unit) to be con-
nected on a single, two-wire* serial and protocol-free GigaST
R line up to 35m** from the host
Two versions of the GigaHUB currently exist - one equipped with a TFT header for integration in
an OEM display for ‘professional’ applications and the other fitted with the standard DVI-D con-
nector for commercial or desktop applications. Both have one GigaST
R receiver and logic to
administer the embedded USB.
* Although GigaST
R is a true serial transmission device requiring just a pair of wires, the GigaHUB
however has a further 2 pairs of cabling reserved for the remote USB and one line for the ground.
** If the USB feature inherent within the GigaHUB is not required, then the transmission and
subsequent repetition of video signals can be achieved by replacing the receiver element of the
GigaHUB (professional OEM units only!) with a receiver / repeater unit - not discussed in this
3.00 Features
One of the key features of the GigaHUB is the use of GigaST
R - an enabling technology devel-
oped by Inova Semiconductors allowing serial data to be transmitted long distances without dis-
tortion. In this capacity, the complete CPU performance (in terms of graphic / multimedia or I/O)
is presented to a remotely connected display/terminal along a protocol-free “intelligent” piece of
wire. Due to the stable nature of the transmission and its ease of connection, these devices are
ideally suited to applications based in noisy or hostile environments.
The hub itself extracts the USB signals from the host CPU and presents them in the form of a hub
for up to 4 devices. If one of those devices is a hub in its own right then yet more USB devices may
be connected.