Chapter 7 Power System
Backplane to System Board Control Connections
Connector J2 on the backplane connects I
C, remote sense, and power
supply controls to the system board.
Pin Connector Designator Description
1 RS GND Remote sense ground (-)
2 +5 V RS +5 VDC remote sense (+)
3 +3.3 V RS +3.3 VDC remote sense (+)
4 GND Ground
5 I2C-SCL I²C serial clock
6 I2C-SDA I²C serial data
7 GND Ground
8 PGOOD Power good indication
9 PON Power ON control
10 GND Ground
11 +5 V Stdby +5 VDC standby
12 NC Key
13 +24 V +24 VDC
14 24 V RTN 24 VDC return
Power Supply Input Voltages
The server may contain one, two, or three autoranging 360 watt power
supplies that are designed to minimize EMI and RFI. The input voltage
ranges are
• 100-120 VAC at 50/60 Hertz (Hz); 6.0 A maximum current
• 200-240 VAC at 50/60 Hz; 3.0 A maximum current