M440LX Server System Product Guide
Error and Informational Messages
When you turn on the system, POST displays messages that provide
information about the system. If a failure occurs, POST emits beep codes
that indicate errors in hardware, software, or firmware. If POST can display
a message on the video display screen, it causes the speaker to beep twice as
the message appears.
POST Beep Codes
Beep codes are a series of individual beeps, each one equal in length. Write
down the beep code you hear; this information is useful for your service
Table 10-1. POST Beep Codes
Beeps Error Message and Conditions
1-2 ROM checksum error; ROM checksum value does not match encoded
value in BIOS
1-2-2-3 ROM checksum error; ROM checksum value does not match encoded
value in BIOS
1-3-1-1 Refresh failure; memory refresh circuitry on the baseboard is faulty
1-3-1-3 Keyboard controller gate A20 is off; BIOS cannot switch to protected
1-3-4-1 Memory error
1-4-1-1 Memory error
2-1-2-3 ROM copyright notice failure
2-2-3-1 Unexpected interrupt