Start Cleaning
Place Mint on the oor near the NorthStar Navigation Cube.
Turn Mint on using the power button.
The button will light up blue when the
cleaner is on.
To start cleaning with a DRY CLOTH
just press the Sweep button.
To start cleaning with a WET CLOTH
just press the Mop button.
One blue light will start blinking on the Navigation System Indicator if Mint detects
a signal from the Cube. The light will turn solid blue once it locks onto the Cube.
If no lights appear, Mint does not detect a NorthStar signal.
When Mint nishes cleaning, it plays a short song, returns to where it started
and parks itself. Mint will also do this if the battery runs low while cleaning.
To turn Mint off, press the power button for two seconds. A tune will play and
the light will turn off.
To turn off the NorthStar Navigation Cube, press the button on the back corner.
The light on the opposite corner will turn off.