Trouble Shooting
Conrm the unit is powered on (a blue light will appear under the power button, bot-
tom center. If a red light appears, the cleaner requires charging before it can clean).
Make sure the removable cleaning pad is securely attached and that the cleaning
cloth is tucked cleanly into the gripping strips.
If the power is on, press the sweep button (left) to clean with a dry cloth or the mop
button (right) to clean with a wet cloth. Mint should start cleaning in 2-3 seconds.
When Mint starts cleaning, it moves forward and starts cleaning the area to its right.
Try starting Mint to the left of the area you’d like to clean.
Conrm the NorthStar Navigation Cube is on. A blue light will appear in one corner if
the power is on. If no light appears, replace the batteries with 2 new C batteries.
Check the position of the NorthStar Navigation Cube and make sure there is no
Is there anything just above the NorthStar Navigation Cube, like
a cabinet overhang?
Move the Cube to an open area.
Is the NorthStar Navigation Cube close to a wall with the blue light facing
the wall?
Turn the Cube so the blue light faces into the room.
Is there a moving ceiling fan above the NorthStar Navigation Cube?
Turn off the fan (or move the Cube so it is not beneath the fan).
Is the ceiling in the room high or uneven?
Move the Cube to an area with a lower and even ceiling.
Try placing the NorthStar Navigation Cube in a new spot or facing it in
a different direction.