Technical Training Guide 62
3.) For complete ink starvation, as observed
in ink delivery line (note Light Magenta ink is
missing from ink line in photo below) check
cartridge, ink line connectivity and
respective damper assembly. The damper
assembly may have a possible leak (due to
ink contamination, improper service/repair
tool usage, printer abuse/shock, or
damage). Re-prime ink line following
damper replacement.
4.) If ink starvation continues to occur replace the septum assembly. This
assembly may have a possible leak due to damage. Re-prime ink line following
septum replacement.
B.) Max Ink Temp. Errors
MAX INK TEMP cartridge errors are a response to jet plate temperature
exceeding a set maximum value. This is generally an indication that ink is not
being fed to the jet plate area to keep it cool while printing; the cartridge is
suffering an overheat condition.
NOTE 1: If a customer is running firmware <1.31 this error will normally occur in
the 2-pass print mode when printing solid
fields. Upgrade firmware version to correct
(i.e. >2.1.0).
An insufficient factory prime (leaking cartridge –
typically observed with a new cartridge that has
leaked into the cartridge foil packaging), an ink
delivery system problem (blockage or leakage
of an ink delivery line or ink bottle/connection,
Defective Damper
Light Magenta Ink Line
Deprimed Condition
Defective Septum