Technical Training Guide 70
/Hong Kong
AC will start to cause some problems with image output (refer to section A); values
greater than 12.0 volts lead to more severe problems including premature cartridge
failures and severe banding.
2. Verify Proper Receptacle Configuration:
Verify the regional power (source) receptacle has a Ground
(G) line for the respective region (N is neutral; L is line or hot).
CAUTION: If receptacle does not have a ground line (2-prong
outlet only) then immediately stop service on the printer. The
printer is extremely dangerous to work on (with power applied)
and is a personnel hazard
. The problem, for the symptoms described in section
A, cannot be fully corrected until the electrical system/receptacle is properly fixed. Inform
the customer a certified electrician will need to be contacted to upgrade the electrical
system with a properly grounded outlet.
Also, do not work on printer if a 3-prong to 2-prong adapter, non-
grounded standard receptacle, non-grounded GFCI receptacle, or a
‘separate’ ground line runs from the printer. Contact technical
support management if necessary for intervention/assistance.
3. Testing Receptacle Neutral-to-Ground Voltage:
- In North America the easiest test method is to use a receptacle
tester to determine proper outlet polarity and grounding. Simply plug the device into
the outlet (standard and GFCI outlets), typically two LEDs (of the same color) should
illuminate indicating proper electrical configuration.
- In all other countries a voltmeter may be used for test
purposes. Verify the voltage level between Ground and Neutral
is correct (normally <2.0 volts AC). A voltage ‘screwdriver may
be used to easily test for the presence of voltage (phase) on
ground and neutral lines (LED illuminates).
NOTE: neutral and line may be reversed.
Correct Incorrect