September 2000 Index-1
access, operator and service B-2
activate DP2, attribute in configuration file C-28
activate KPIS, attribute in configuration file C-29
a calibration device C-6 to C-7
air filter, replacing 4-3
arrow keys 3-3
Asian helpline number 5-22
roll ID 3-29
automatic initialization, printer 5-1
bar coding 3-38
borderless prints 3-30
buffered jobs, printing 3-4
calibrating the printer, procedure 2-2
calibration configuration C-20 to C-31
aim tab C-25
density source tab C-24
DP2 tab C-28
history tab C-26
KPIS tab C-29 to C-31
paper tab C-27
procedure tab C-22
calibration software, device C-4 to C-32
see also device calibration software
calibration, printer 2-2 to 2-8
obtaining densities 2-5 to 2-6
out of tolerance 2-7
options 2-7
troubleshooting 5-14 to 5-21
when to calibrate 2-2
cancel key 3-3
cancelling jobs 3-4
supply, installing 3-12
supply, loading paper 3-6
supply, removing 3-6
takeup, installing 3-14
takeup, removing 3-20
takeup, unloading exposed paper 3-21
chad, removing 4-2
channel-independent matrix, attribute in
configuration file C-25
cinching media 3-17
clearing paper jams 5-9
copyright detection 3-36, C-25
cut punch 3-27, 3-28
daily maintenance 4-1
date, setting 3-33
day, setting 3-34
defaults, resetting 3-31
deferred jobs, printing 3-4
deleting a calibration device C-10
creating file C-32
obtaining 2-5 to 2-6
from densitometer 2-5
from file 2-5
installing C-33
type B-8
density source attributes in configuration file C-24
device calibration software C-4 to C-32
adding device C-6 to C-7
application window definitions C-4
deleting device C-10
editing log settings C-8
installing C-1 to C-3
starting C-6
updating device C-9
diagnostics 5-1
dialog boxes
Export Module E-6
difference graph C-13
dimensions B-1
DP2 file name, attribute in configuration file C-28
DP2 location, attribute in configuration file C-28
DP2 tab of calibration configuration C-28
calibration configuration C-20 to C-31
log setting, calibration device C-8
end of roll message 3-19
equipment overview 1-2