September 2000 Index-3
OCP. see operator control panel (OCP)
offline, printer mode 3-4
on/off key 3-3
online, printer mode 3-4
operating procedures 3-1
operator control panel (OCP)
key/light descriptions 3-3
overview 3-2
operator, access B-2
order punch 3-27, 3-28
out of tolerance
attribute in configuration file C-22
options 2-7
overview, equipment 1-2
Pacific region helpline number 5-22
page layouts, Export Module E-8
page starts, using 3-29
pages waiting 3-2
end of roll 3-19
exposed, removing 3-21
hole punchers 3-22
length remaining 3-26
load option 3-25
loss 3-26
path, printer illustration 5-2
sizes, units of measurement 3-35
spacing, setting the amount 3-34
supply 3-2
unloading 3-19, 3-23
paper saver, attaching 3-10
parameters, resetting to defaults 3-31
periodic maintenance 4-3
pixel doubling 3-38
power light 3-3
print options, IPS D-6
calibrating procedure 2-2
error messages 5-3
features, accessing 3-23
overview 1-1
paper path, illustration 5-2
shutting down 2-8
starting up 2-1
deferred or buffered jobs 3-4
images, Export Module E-3
printing aims, attribute in configuration file C-25
prints, borderless 3-30
prints, making 2-8
Process in Control dialog box 2-3
processor in control, attribute in
configuration file C-22
product description 1-1
punch attributes, Export Module E-7
punchers, hole 3-22
punches, setting 3-27
removing chad 4-2
replacing the air filter 4-3
roll ID, automatic 3-29
interface 1-1
ports, setting 3-32
select key 3-3
Send LUT to Printer screen 2-4
LUTs C-16 to C-17
test targets C-17 to C-19
access B-2
how to obtain 5
hard 2-9
soft, printer 2-8
site requirements
electrical B-3
line frequency B-4
line voltage B-5
operator and service access B-2
power cords B-3
power outlets B-4
power receptacles (U.S. and Canada) B-6
printer power receptacles (Europe) B-7
soft shutdown, printer 2-8
requirements, Export Module E-1
version number, accessing 3-34
source images 1-1
space between images, setting 3-34
specifications B-1
operator and service access B-2
standby light 3-3
start key 3-3
printer 2-1
starting device calibration software C-6
status messages 3-5