☛ If the In-focus indicator
blinks, the autofocus system
cannot focus the subject and
the Shutter will not release.
Refer to the section on Manual
Focusing in Chapter 8 for
instructions on how to focus
the subject manually.
Exposure settings are displayed
in the Top LCD panel and
viewfinder Display.
4 After confirming that the
exposure settings are not
blinking, press the Shutter
button to capture the image.
✔ If a shutter speed of 30” and the maximum aperture value blink in the
viewfinder display, the subject is too dark. Switch to flash photography or
choose a higher ISO setting. (Both are described later in this chapter.)
✔ If a shutter speed of 8000 and the minimum aperture value blink in the
viewfinder display, the subject is too bright. Attach a neutral density (ND) filter
to the lens or choose a lower ISO setting.