Aberdeenshire Council ASPECTS Training
Education & Recreation Kodak DX4330 Digital Camera D32
G Bruce, 2003
7. Check the photo has come out properly.
Unlike ‘ordinary’ cameras, digital cameras allow you to have a look at
your handiwork and if you don’t like it, you can just wipe it out and start
again before the moment is lost! Here’s how….
With the camera still switched on, press the ‘Review’ button. It’s at the
back of the camera – bottom right.
This is the button that lets you see
what you have taken.
On the first press of the ‘Review’ button, you see the picture you have
just taken, but if you’ve taken a few and would like to see them all, use
the ‘4 way’ control to scroll backwards and forwards. Just press on the
‘left arrow’ or ‘right arrow’ edges of the control.
This control lets you move
backwards and forwards through
your pictures when the
‘Review’button is pressed.
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