Aberdeenshire Council ASPECTS Training
Education & Recreation Kodak DX4330 Digital Camera D32
G Bruce, 2003
8. Can I wipe out pictures I don’t like?
If you decide you don’t like a picture (or if you’d like to wipe the whole
lot) you can press the ‘Delete’ button at the top left of the camera..
The ‘Delete’ button is just above
the ‘4 way’ control. It’s used for
wiping pictures you don’t want.
When you press the ‘Delete’ button, a menu appears on the screen, giving
you the option to delete that particular picture or ‘All’. Use the ‘arrow up’
and arrow down’ edges of the ‘4 way’ control to make your selection.
Finally, press in the WHOLE of the ‘4 way control’ (thumb-in-the-
middle!) and that will actually perform the deletion. You will be asked to
confirm this.
9. What are all the other buttons for?
The button on the top of the camera with a little ‘spark’ icon on it
controls the flash. By pushing it repeatedly while the
‘Mode Dial’ is set at ‘Auto’ you can move through a
range of options. For most purposes it will be fine left at
‘Autoflash’. It might be worth checking this control if
the camera seems to have stopped flashing for no good
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