66 A-61560 June 2006
Images for each side of a
document (dual-stream) -
Example 4
In this example, let’s assume you want to configure a two-sided
document stream of business documents that have color on the front of
the document but the rear side is fine in black and white.
1. Click Advanced on the Image Settings window to display the
Advanced tab.
2. Select Two Sided from the Input document is drop-down box.
3. Check the Different settings per side checkbox.
4. Select One from the Images per side drop-down box.
5. Click Done to return to the Image Settings window.
6. If you look on the Image Settings window, the Side drop-down box
now has two entries: Front and Back. Select the Front side and
make sure the Scan As drop-down box on the General tab is set to
Color (24 bit). Make any other adjustments to the front side settings
on the rest of the tabs on the Image Settings window (General, Size,
Adjustments and Enhancements). You may want to scan a
challenging test document using the Preview window while you
make these changes so you can see the effect they have.
7. Select the Back side and make sure the Scan As drop-down box on
the General tab is set to Black and White (1 bit). Make any other
adjustments to the back side settings on the rest of the tabs of the
Image Settings window. You may want to scan a challenging test
document using the Preview window while you make these
8. Save your Setting Shortcut and scan your test documents using the
Setting Shortcut you just set up. Review the resulting images to
determine if the scanner is detecting and outputting color
documents the way you want them. If you need to improve the
results, repeat the steps above until the get the results you want.
NOTE: Other options may appear in the Images per side drop-down list.
These options are available to provide compatibility with certain
specialized scanning applications and normally are not used.
Do not use these options unless instructed to by Kodak