A-61560 June 2006 67
The Device Settings
The Device button is located on the Image Settings window. When you
select Device, the General and Multifeed tabs are displayed. From the
Device Settings window, you can also access Diagnostics.
General tab The General tab allows you to set scanner-specific transport control
Paper Source — select the desired paper source.
• Automatic: looks for paper in the document feeder first. If there are
no documents in the input tray, the scanner will look for a document
on the flatbed.
• Document Feeder: when you are scanning documents from the
input tray.
• Flatbed: when you are scanning documents using the flatbed.
Power Saver — allows you to set the amount of time the scanner will
remain inactive before the scanner goes into an idle state. You can turn
the Power Saver option off or set a time up to 60 minutes. The default is
15 minutes.
Document Feeder
• Timeout: if you enable this option, you can set the amount of time the
scanner will wait (1 to 300 seconds) after the last document enters
the transport before the scanner initiates the action you selected
when the timeout occurs.
Diagnostics — provides access to the Diagnostics tab.