A-61133 March 2003 1-1
1 Introduction
The Kodak i7300 Scanner Application Software controls the Kodak
i7300 Scanner and the Kodak Digital Science Intelligent Microimage
Scanner. The scanner is a 16 mm film retrieval subsystem that is
interfaced with a personal computer (PC). The compact film drive and
application software enable:
• automatic retrieval of images on 16 mm roll microfilm with or without
image marks
• scanning of the image with a charged coupled device (CCD)
• image processing and display of the digitally scanned image on the
• tools to maximize the image quality including editing and annotating
• delivery of the digital image to the person requesting the image via
standard PC utilities
For the purpose of this manual, the Kodak i7300 Scanner and the Kodak
Digital Science Intelligent Microimage Scanner will be referred to as the
scanner. If something is specific to one scanner or the other, it will be
Product features The Kodak i7300 Scanner Application Software provides the following
• Easy to use interface — all the tools and procedures you need are
accessible via icons, toolbars, and pull-down menus. A familiar
Microsoft Windows software format also makes it easy to learn.
• Improved imaging performance — choose Normal or Enhanced
for high-resolution scanning results in a high quality bi-tonal or gray
scale image.
• Image processing — the powerful algorithms of the application
software deliver high quality images.
• CAR capability — the application software can be setup to accept
CAR (Computer-Aided Retrieval) commands by adding an optional
Kodak CAR Interface Software to the standard application software.
The CAR 278 Interface, CAR 278 Synchronous Interface Unit or
Hostlink for Micrographics by eiStream Kofile may be required for
interfacing with mainframe computer systems.
• On-line help the on-line help facility provides access to complete
procedures on how to use the software.
NOTE: Even though the i7300 Scanner Application Software works
with the Intelligent Microimage Scanner, the Intelligent
Microimage Scanner will not scan images as fast as the i7300
Scanner, nor can the Intelligent Microimage Scanner do whole
roll conversions.