2-40 A-61133 March 2003
♦ Image Area allows you to remove and redraw the Image Area
green rectangle by clicking outside the rectangle with the left mouse
button to remove, then drag-selecting the desired area to redraw.
Also allows you to move or resize the rectangle, the same way as
the Selection tool.
♦ Previous Block allows you to decrement and scan by a block
of images rather than one image at a time. For example, if images
48-52 are displayed, Previous Block will result in images 43-47
being displayed, rather than images 47-51.
♦ Next Block allows you to increment and scan by a block of
images rather than one image at a time. For example, if images 48-
52 are displayed, Next Block will result in images 53-57 being
displayed, rather than images 49-53.
♦ Overlap By One allows you to retain one image from the current
block when navigating with Previous Block or Next Block. For
example, if images 48-52 are displayed, and Overlap By One is
enabled, Next Block will result in images 52-56 being displayed.
Use the appropriate tools to select the desired image area then click
OK. The selected area will be displayed in the Image display pane in the
main application window.
NOTE: Enable Overscan prior to starting a search, otherwise the
Reprocess button will be unavailable.
Reprocess — select Reprocess to return to the Duplex Processing
dialog box or Select Overscan dialog box if those options are enabled.