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9-24 Using KODAK Drivers with Windows Applications — PC
Turning Off the Scanner
When your scans are complete, exit from your application and turn off
your computer and the Scanner as follows:
CAUTION: The Scanner must be turned off (and on)
your computer is off.
1. (Optional) Save any open images to the computer hard disk.
IMPORTANT: If you click in the close box of the window of an acquired —
but unedited — image (or choose C
LOSE from the FILE menu), in some applica-
tions the window will close without asking you if you want to save the image
and the image will not be saved. Therefore, be sure you save any acquired
images you do not want to lose before closing image windows.
2. Choose EXIT from the FILE menu.
3. Wait as the application quits.
4. Choose E
XIT WINDOWS from the FILE menu to close Windows.
5. Remove the film or slide holder from the Scanner.
6. Turn off your computer.
7. Turn off the Scanner.
8. cover the scanner with the supplied dust cover.
IMPORTANT: Because dust buildup in the scanner can affect image quality,
it is important to cover the scanner whenever the power is off.