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5-28 Using the KODAK Driver for Adobe Photoshop (Macintosh)
GAMMA A measure of contrast in photographic images.
MAGE SIZE Displays the quantity of data that will be returned from the
scan. Image size depends on the resolution selected, on
whether B & W is selected, and on whether you’ve cropped
the image. Higher resolutions, color images, and full images
produce more scan data than lower resolutions, B & W
scans, and cropped images. The dots-per-inch (DPI) of the
scan for the selected settings is also displayed.
AGNIFICATION ADJUSTMENT Adjusts the magnification of the image, allowing
you to ensure that as many pixels of the imager as possible are
used for your image.
NOTE: Refer to “Change the Magnification Adjustment” earlier in
this chapter for additional information on this option.
NORMAL (rotation) Displays the image as oriented within the film or slide
RESCAN Produces a scan in the KODAK Driver window that you can
view and use to determine whether additional adjustments
are needed before final scanning. Unlike the S
CAN button,
this choice does not load the scanned image data into Adobe
ECALIBRATE Used as part of the procedure to eliminate “bubbles” or
“water spots” from scanned images that may appear as a
result of dust on the scanner diffuser.
NOTE: For full details of eliminating “bubbles” or “water spots”
from scanned images, refer to “Appendix C — Troubleshooting.”
RES Allows you to select from FULL, or a variety of percentages.
Additionally, you can choose C
USTOM from the RES popup