Part No. 1H9613 June 1997 13-3
PostScript Mode Printing
Printing from Microsoft Windows
You can print from Microsoft Windows applications using FILE >
Be sure to use FILE > PAGE SETUP to setup or verify pertinent
printing parameters such as paper size and ribbon type.
Also, check for consistency in parameter definitions from the
PRINTER > PROPERTY menus when applicable for eliminating
extra/error PostScript pages
When printing from TCP/IP, extraneous job control (end of job)
characters that are automatically generated by PostScript
applications, <Ctrl D>s, may cause extra pages to be printed
along with an “Offending Command” PostScript error page. The
printer may also process the job and then return to “READY”
without printing.
This Ctrl D does not cause problems when using the parallel, IPX,
or network AppleTalk printing. It does, however, cause jobs to be
cancelled when they are serviced by a UNIX server.
Windows 3.x Systems
To eliminate the Ctrl Ds from PostScript output files on Windows
3.x systems, a C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI file must be edited.
Within the C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI file, search for any occurrences
of Kodak printers and/or LPT ports that they may be associated
with. A typical entry might look like the following:
[Kodak DS 8650 PS, LPT1]
After this line, add the following line:
Save the file, and try printing it again.
Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.51Systems
To eliminate the Ctrl Ds from PostScript output files on Windows
95 and Windows NT systems, use the Printer >Properties setup
menus and select PostScript >Advanced features.Turn off the Ctrl
Ds before and/or after job.