Novell NetWare
6-10 Part No. 1H9613 June 1997
Novell NetWare - AppleTalk
If Novell’s AppleTalk Print Services (ATPS) is not already in use,
consult the Novell CD-ROM on-line documentation for setup and
use of ATPS. To use ATPS for the Kodak printer, an ATPS.CFG
file must be edited appropriately to define an AppleTalk printer
name and corresponding zone.
Novell AppleTalk Advantages over Novell IPX
The use of Novell ATPS does not require configuration steps
using PCONSOLE, steps to specify a primary server, or steps to
specify a frametype. ATPS does not require a user license, and
performance differences between the use of IPX and AppleTalk
are negligible.
The disadvantage of using Novell AppleTalk over Novell IPX is
that you cannot print in Raster mode using ATPS over the Novell
server. Only Macintosh systems can print in Raster mode using
NOTE: Novell AppleTalk only recognizes the printer when it is in
PostScript mode. Raster mode printing cannot be
accommodated. You must set up an IPX queue to
support both PostScript and Raster mode printing.
Novell NetWare - AppleTalk - Printer Parameters
You can set up and modify the Phase Type, AppleTalkZone, and
AppleTalkName parameters for network printing over Novell
NetWare AppleTalk. Set up the Phase Type from the printer’s
front display/control panel, and download PostScript command
files to set up the AppleTalkZone and AppleTalkName. It should
not be necessary to modify these parameters from the factory
defaults, Phase Type = Phase II, AppleTalk Zone = *. The
AppleTalk Name is the printer name; such as, Kodak DS 8650
Refer to “Network Printer Parameters” for information on setting
up all printer parameters for the various protocols.
To use Novell ATPS, an atps.cfg file must be edited appropriately
to define an AppleTalk printer name and corresponding zone.
NOTE: You cannot print in Raster mode using ATPS.