
BASIC Moves Development Studio 06/2005 Danaher Motion
24 Rev E M-SS-005-03l
2.2.10. String Functions
Beginning with version 3.0, MC-BASIC supports all the common string
functions supported in standard BASIC. For detailed information on any of
the string functions (including examples), refer to the SERVOSTAR
Reference Manual.
ASC(S,I) Returns an ASCII character value from within a string, S, at
position, I.
BIN$(X) Returns the string representation of a number (X) in binary
format (without the Ob prefix).
CHR$(X) Returns a one-character string corresponding to a given ASCII
value, X.
HEX$(X) Returns the string representation of a number (X) in
hexadecimal format (without the 0x prefix).
INSTR(I,SS,S) Returns the position, I, of the starting character of a substring,
SS, in a string, S.
LCASE$(S) Returns a copy of the string, S, passed to it with all the
uppercase letters converted to lowercase.
LEFT$(S,X) Returns the specified number, X, of characters from the left-
hand side of the string, S.
LEN(S) Returns the length of the string, S.
LTRIM$(S) Returns the right-hand part of a string, S, after removing any
blank spaces at the beginning.
MID$(S,I,X) Returns the specified number of characters, X, from the string,
S, starting at the character at position, I.
RIGHT$(S,X) Returns the specified number of characters, X, from the right-
hand side of the string, S.
RTRIM$(S) Returns the left-hand part of a string, S, after removing any
blank spaces at the end.
SPACE$(X) Generates a string consisting of the specified number, X, of
blank spaces.
STR$(X) Returns the string representation of a number, X.
STRING$(X,{S},{Y}) Creates a new string with the specified number, X, of characters,
each character of which is the first character of the specified
string argument, S, or the specified ASCII code, Y.
UCASE$(S) Returns a copy of the string, S, passed to it with all the
lowercase letters converted to uppercase.
VAL(S) Returns the real value represented by the characters in the input
string, S.