Danaher Motion 06/2005 BASIC Moves Development Studio
M-SS-005-03 Rev E 33
For example:
Dim Shared i as Long
i = 0
i = i + 1
Print i
Loop Until i = 10
End Program
or, equivalently, you can use Loop While:
Dim Shared i as Long
i = 0
i = i + 1
Print i
Loop While i < 10
End Program
GoTo unconditionally redirects program execution. The syntax is:
GoTo Label1
Label1 is a valid label within the same task as the GoTo.
The label must be on a separate line.
You can only branch within a Program, Event, Function, or
You can GoTo a label placed within a program block
(If…Then, For…Next, Select…Case, While…End While,
and Do...Loop) only if the GoTo and label are within the
same block.
If the program is within a program block, you cannot GoTo a
label outside that block.
Avoid GoTo wherever possible. History has shown that excessive use of
GoTo makes programs harder to understand and debug. Use the other
program control statements whenever possible. ERROR TRAPPING
There are four ways to specify catch statements: Exact Value, Logical
Condition, Range, and Else. The syntax used is:
Catch Error_Number
{statements to execute if error Error_Number had occurred}
Catch Is <RelationalOperator> Error_Number
{statements to execute if the condition is true}
Catch Error_Number1 To Error_Number2
{statements to execute if error number is between values}
Catch Else
{statements to execute if all other errors had occurred}
The number of Catch statements is not explicitly limited.
Error_Numbers can only be long-type numeric values.
In Catch…To…, if Error_Number1 > Error_Number2, the
catch statement is never true and no error is flagged.