
Main Body
1 POWER switch........................................ Used to turn ON and OFF the power to the instrument. (Page 29)
2 Digital display section ............................. • Displays the measured values.
3 Analog display section ............................ Displays the difference (%) between the measured value and the
target color or the difference (%) between measured values.
Measured values are displayed in the case of flicker mode.
The range for each dot can be set between 0.1 and 99%. (Page 69)
4 Measurement mode indications ............... Displays the measurement mode in which the measured values
are displayed. (Page 40)
The table below shows the relationship between measurement
modes and data displayed in the digital display section 2 and
analog display section 3.
Measurement mode
Digital display
Analog display
xyLv mode x, y, Lv x, y, Lv
TuvLv mode T, uv, Lv x, y, Lv
Analyzer mode (G reference) R, B, G R/G, B/G, G
Analyzer mode (R reference) R, B, G R, B/G, G/R
u'v'Lv mode u', v', Lv x, y, Lv
Flicker mode** Flicker value Flicker value
XYZ mode XYZ x, y, Lv
**Only when LED Flicker Measuring ø27 Probe or LED Flicker Measuring ø10 Probe is connected.
5 LCD display ............................................ Displays the memory channel, probe no., ID name, warning and
6 HOLD LED ............................................. Lights up during hold.
7 REMOTE LED ........................................ Lights up when the instrument is ready for communication with
the PC via RS-232C or USB interface.
8 Key panel................................................. Used to select/set probe no., SYNC mode, measurement speed,
analog display range and ID name, as well as entering values.
(Page 17)
9 Tilt stand
Probe connector [P1] ............................... • Used to connect a measuring probe. (Page 26)
USB connector ........................................ USB interface for communication with the PC. (Page 88)
RS-232C connector ................................. RS-232C compatible interface for communication with the PC.
(Page 86)
Vertical synchronizing signal .................. Input the display’s vertical synchronizing signal into this terminal
input terminal when performing measurement in EXT SYNC mode. (Page 28)
SYNC: Terminal shall tread as class 3 accordance with IEC
610101-1 Annex-H.
AC power connector ................................. Connect the AC power cord to this connector to supply power to
the instrument. (Page 28)
The rating is 100-240V
, 50-60 Hz, 50VA.
4-Probe Expansion Board slot ................. Used to install the optional 4-Probe Expansion Board (CA-B15).
(Page 27)