
Measurement Preparation
To the Setting section
* Go to the Measurement section if you are going to perform measurement using Konica Minolta’s
calibration standard and are not going to use analog display.
Measurement Preparation
The Measurement Preparation section explains preparations
(instrument setting, zero calibration) that are required prior to
Zero Calibration
Explains the zero point adjustment method.
(Measurement cannot be performed if zero calibration has not been completed.)
Selecting, Masurement Speed, SYNC Mode, Measurement Mode and the Number of Display Digits
Explains how to select SYNC mode, that selects measurement time according to the display’s
vertical scanning frequency, as well as explaining how to select display mode and the number of
display digits.
When the optional 4-Probe Expansion Board CA-B15 is used
Selecting probe no.
Explains how to select the measuring probe whose measured value is to be
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