5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 59
Uses UDP protocol with AES encryption for connect mode
reconnect time <milliseconds>
Sets the reconnect time value for tunneling connections
established by the
remote address <text>
Sets the remote host to establish tunneling connections
Sets the remote port to use for connect mode tunneling.
Displays the current configuration.
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Displays tunnel connect status.
Sets the SSH user name for use when establishing tunne-
ling connections
tcp keep alive <milliseconds>
Enables TCP keep alive for connect mode tunneling and
sets the timer.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
connect (tunnel-connect:1) level commands
aes decrypt key <hexadecimal>
Sets the connect tunnel AES decrypt key with up to 16
aes decrypt key text <text>
Sets the connect tunnel AES decrypt key with up to 16
aes encrypt key <hexadecimal>
Sets the connect tunnel AES encrypt key with up to 16
Sets the connect tunnel AES encrypt key with up to 16
Forwards (tunnels) network data in connect mode tunne-
Discards all data coming in from the connect mode tunnel
before forwarding
Forwards (tunnels) serial data in connect mode tunneling.
Discards all data coming in from the serial interface before
connect mode always
Enables the tunneling server to always establish tunneling
connect mode any character
Enables the tunneling server to establish a tunneling con-
nection when a
Disables connect mode tunneling.
connect mode modem control asserted
Enables the tunneling server to make tunneling connec-
tions when the modem
connect mode modem emulation
Enables modem emulation for connect mode tunneling.
connect mode start character
Enables connect mode tunneling when the configured
start character
Restores the default connect mode as "disable".
default local port Uses a random port number as the local port for establish-
Restores the default protocol as "TCP".
Restores the default reconnect time value for connect
mode tunneling.
Restores the default 45 second connect mode TCP keep
alive timeout.