5: Commands and Levels
IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference 63
Ping destination 5 times with 5 second timeout
Ping destination n times with 5 second timeout
ping <host> <count> <timeout>
Ping destination n times with x timeout (in seconds)
Reload factory defaults to permanent storage
Dump XML configuration containing secrets to the console
secret xcr dump <group list>
Dump specified XML configuration containing secrets to
the console
Save XML configuration containing secrets to a file
secret xcr export <file> <group list>
Save specified XML configuration containing secrets to a
local file
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current
CLI session.
Show interface statistics
Show UDP/TCP state information
Show thread runtime information
Show active Telnet and SSH Sessions
Show XML Status Record counters
Enters the SSH configuration level.
ssh <optClientUsername> <host>
Begin SSH session on network .
ssh <optClientUsername> <host> <port>
Begin SSH session on network :.
Enters the SSL configuration level.
Begin telnet session on network .
Begin telnet session on network :.
Trace route to destination
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
Dump XML configuration to the console
Dump specified XML configuration to the console
Save XML configuration to a file
xcr export <file> <group list>
Save specified XML configuration to a local file
Load XML configuration from a local file
<group list>
Load specified XML configuration from a local file
List XML Configuration Record groups to the console
Dump XML Status Records to the console
Dump specified XML Status Records to the console
Save XML Status Record to a file
xsr export <file> <group list>
Save specified XML Status Record to a local file
List XML Status Record groups to the console
eventtrak 1 (config-eventtrak:1) level commands
Changes to the command level for EventTrak configura-
Exits to the configuration level.