Dial-in PPP
Select the desired security option for log-in:
• PAP has widespread support; almost all communications
systems support it. This is the default setting, and compatible
with the default settings for Dial-up Networking in Windows.
• CHAP is more secure than PAP; the password is encrypted
before transmission. If it is selected, the dial-in clients must
also support CHAP in order to connect.
• MS CHAP is the Microsoft version of CHAP, used on Win-
dows platforms. If all dial-in clients are using Windows 95 or
later, you can choose this option.
• None means no checking is performed.
If you choose "None", no User Name/Password authentication is
performed on dial-in. Anyone can connect; this is a major security
Dial-in Users
Click this to open a sub-window which allows you to manage the
users who can use the Dial-in feature.
• By default, the "guest" user is defined, but does NOT have
Dial-in permission.
• If the PPP setting above is set to "None" (not recommended),
then it is not necessary to create dial-in users.
• While it is possible to all users to use the same User-
name/password for Dial-in, the recommended approach is to
create a separate entry for each person who needs Dial-in ac-
Click this to open a sub-window which contains details of the
current connection, if any, on the Serial Port. Refer to Connection
Status - Serial Port in Chapter 5 for further details.