LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router User Guide
Dial-up Networking Properties
Log on to network
This setting refers to a logon to a Server on your LAN,
not the login to the LevelOne Wireless Broadband
This is checked by default, but is not required, and will
cause a minor delay in establishing a connection.
Enable software compression
Normally, this should be checked, but the LevelOne
Wireless Broadband Router will function with either
Checked or Unchecked.
Required encrypted password The Unchecked state corresponds to the "PAP" setting
on the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's Dial-in
The Checked setting corresponds to the "MSCHAP"
setting on the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's
Dial-in screen.
Require data encryption
This must NOT be checked.
Network Protocols
NetBEUI and IPX/SPX can be disabled.
TCP/IP Settings
The default settings should not be changed.
Using the Dial-in Connection
1. In the Dial-up Networking window, double-click the connection to start the dial-in process.
2. When prompted for a user name and password, enter the Name and Password assigned to
you (this is done on the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's User Details screen).
3. If the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router 's Callback feature is enabled, the connection
will then be terminated, and your modem must wait for the incoming call from the Leve-
lOne Wireless Broadband Router 's modem.
4. Upon connection, the LevelOne Wireless Broadband Router will allocate an IP Address to
your PC. To other LAN users and devices, you will appear to be a normal LAN user. How-
ever, Microsoft Networking features are not available.