Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
QoS Tab - Queue Settings
WebView Switches
QoS Tab - Queue Settings
The Queue Settings screen lets you select the CoS method and assign bandwidth values for your queues.
Queue. This is the queue number.
Strict Priority. If you want traffic scheduling to be based on queue priority, then click this radio button.
WRR. If you want to assign a WRR weight to a queue, then click this radio button.
WRR Weight. If a queue uses WRR, then enter the WRR weight in this field.
% of WRR Bandwidth. This is the percentage of bandwidth used by WRR. This automatically changes if you
change the WRR Weight for a queue.
Click the Submit button to save your changes.
QoS Tab - CoS to Queue
The CoS to Queue screen lets you assign CoS settings to traffic queues.
Class of Service. This specifies the CoS priority tag values (0 is the lowest and 7 is the highest).
Queue. This indicates the traffic forwarding queue to which the CoS priority is mapped. You can designate up to
four traffic priority queues.
Restore Defaults. To restore the factory defaults for mapping CoS values to a forwarding queue, click this
Click the Submit button to save your changes.
Figure 5-28: QoS - CoS to Queue
Figure 5-27: QoS - Queue Settings