Chapter 5: Using the Web-based Utility for Configuration
Logs Tab - Global Parameters
WebView Switches
Logs Tab - Global Parameters
The Global Parameters screen lets you define which events are recorded by which logs. You can enable logs for
the Switch and define specific logs.
Logging. If you want the Switch to keep logs, select Enable. Otherwise, select Disable.
Attribute. Displayed here is Max RAM Log Entries (20-400). This stands for the maximum number of log entries
held in RAM. The minimum number is 20, and the maximum number is 400.
Current. Displayed here is the current maximum number of log entries.
After Reset. Enter the maximum number of log entries you want to allow. After you save this change, you will
need to reset the Switch so the change will take effect.
Severity. This is a list of severity levels, in order of severity from highest (Emergency) to lowest (Debug).
Event Log. Select the types of logs that you want to save to the Event Log.
Message Log. Select the types of logs that you want to save to the Message Log.
Click the Submit button to save your changes.
Figure 5-67: Logs - Global Parameters