Chapter 5
Configuration Using the Web-based Utility
24/48-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Gigabit Resilient Clustering Smart Switch with 2 Combo SFPs
Admin Key (Read-only) A channel will only be formed
between ports with the same admin key. This only applies
to ports located on the same switch.
When you are finished entering the settings above, click
Update to apply the settings.
LACP Port Table
This section provides a read-only display of the current
LACP settings. For each port on the currently selected
unit, this table displays the Port Priority, LACP Timeout,
and Admin Key,
After you are finished setting the LACP parameters,
click Save Settings to save the settings, or click Cancel
Changes to cancel your changes.
VLAN Management
A VLAN is a group of ports that can be located anywhere
in the network, but communicate as though they belong
to the same physical segment.
VLANs help to simplify network management by allowing
you to move devices to a new VLAN without having
to change any physical connections. VLANs can be
easily organized to reflect departmental groups (such
as Marketing or R&D), usage groups (such as e-mail), or
multicast groups (used for multimedia applications such
as videoconferencing). You can create up to 128 VLANs on
the Switch.
VLAN Management > Create VLAN
The Create VLAN screen lets you create and configure
global parameters for VLANs.
VLAN Management > Create VLAN
Single VLAN
To create a single VLAN, enter the VLAN ID and VLAN
Name, up to 32 characters long, and click Add.
VLAN ID ID of the VLAN being configured (2-4093, no
leading zeroes).
VLAN Name Name of the VLAN (1 to 32 characters).
VLAN Range
To create a range of VLANs, enter the range of their IDs in
the VLAN Range fields and then click Add Range.
VLAN Table
This lists the ID, name, and status of each configured VLAN,
and the total number of VLANs. The VLAN status is either
Static (user-defined VLAN) or Default (default VLAN).
To remove a VLAN or a range of VLANs, select the VLANs in
the VLAN Table, then click Delete.
VLAN Management > Port Settings
The Port Settings screen allows you to manage the ports in
a VLAN. The port default VLAN ID (PVID) is configured from
the Port Settings screen. All untagged packets arriving at a
VLAN port are tagged with the port’s PVID.
VLAN Management > Port Settings
You can configure VLAN behavior for specific ports,
including the accepted frame type, VLAN identifier (PVID),
and ingress filtering.
Unit No. The number of the unit that you are managing.
Port The number of the port.