Chapter 5
Configuration Using the Web-based Utility
24/48-Port 10/100 + 4-Port Gigabit Resilient Clustering Smart Switch with 2 Combo SFPs
Base Table
Management Station
Displays the management station
IP address for which the basic SNMP community is defined
Community String Displays the password used to
authenticate the management station to the device.
Access Mode Displays the access rights of the
View Name Displays the user-defined SNMP view.
Advanced Table
Management Station Displays the management station
IP address for which the basic SNMP community is
Community String Displays the password used to
authenticate the management station to the device.
Group Name Displays advanced SNMP communities
group name.
SNMP > Notification Filter
The Notification Filter screen permits filtering traps based
on OIDs. Each OID is linked to a device feature or a feature
aspect. The Notification Filter screen also allows network
managers to filter notifications.
SNMP > Notification Filter
Filter Name Contains a list of user-defined notification
New Object Identifier Subtree Displays the OID for
which notifications are sent or blocked. If a filter is
attached to an OID, traps or informs are generated and
sent to the trap recipients. Object IDs are selected from
either the Select from List or the Object ID List. There are
two configuration options:
Select from List Select the OID from the list provided.
Object ID Enter an OID not offered in the Select from
List option.
Filter Type Indicates whether informs or traps are sent
regarding the OID to the trap recipients.
Excluded Restricts sending OID traps or informs.
Included Sends OID traps or informs.
Click Add to List to add the Notification Filter configuration
to the Notification Filter Table at the bottom of the screen.
SNMP > Notification Recipient
The Notification Recipient screen contains information for
defining filters that determine whether traps are sent to
specific users, and the trap type sent. SNMP notification
filters provide the following services:
Identifying Management Trap Targets
Trap Filtering
Selecting Trap Generation Parameters
Providing Access Control Checks
SNMP > Notification Recipient
Recipient IP Indicates the IP address to whom the traps
are sent.
Notification Type Defines the notification sent. The
possible field values are:
Traps Indicates traps are sent.
Informs Indicates informs are sent.
SNMPv1,2 Enables SNMPv1,2 as the Notification
Recipient. Either SNMPv1,2 or SNMPv3 can be enabled at
any one time, but not both at the same time. If SNMPv1,2
is enabled, the Community String and Notification Version
fields are enabled for configuration:
Community String Identifies the community string of
the trap manager.
Notification Version Determines the trap type. The
possible field values are:
SNMP V1 Indicates SNMP Version 1 traps are sent.
SNMP V2 Indicates SNMP Version 2 traps are sent.