Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Introducing Host Intrusion Prevention
Getting product information
Getting product information
Unless otherwise noted, the product documentation are Adobe Acrobat .PDF files
(Version 6.0) available on the product CD or from the McAfee download site.
Standard documentation
Installation Guide — Procedures for deploying and managing supported products
through the ePolicy Orchestrator management software.
Product Guide — Product introduction and features, detailed instructions for
configuring the software, information on deployment, recurring tasks, and operating
Help — High-level and detailed information accessed from the software application
Help button.
Quick Reference Card — A handy card with information on basic product features,
routine tasks that you perform often, and critical tasks that you perform occasionally. A
printed card accompanies the product CD.
Release Notes — ReadMe. Product information, resolved issues, any known issues,
and last-minute additions or changes to the product or its documentation. (A text file is
included with the software application and on the product CD.)