Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Using ePolicy Orchestrator
Host Intrusion Prevention operations
Using Help
Both ePolicy Orchestrator and Host Intrusion Prevention provide online help. ePolicy
Orchestrator help is called from the help button in ePolicy Orchestrator toolbar and the
console details panes. Host Intrusion Prevention help is called from the help buttons in
the Host Intrusion Prevention
Policy Settings page and supporting dialog boxes.
The Host Intrusion Prevention
Help window provides information about the policy or
dialog box from which it was called.
Related Topic links on the page take you to
instructions on performing certain tasks. Additional information can be accessed with
the table of contents, the index, or the search feature.
Help navigation procedures
To... Do this...
Navigate back to page that initially
appeared or from which you clicked a
Click Back on the shortcut menu.
Note: Do not use the
Previous or Next buttons. They
are used to navigate through the linear order of
pages in the table of contents.
View the table of contents, index, and
search from a single help pane
Click (
Show Navigation).
Indicate where in the table of contents
the page appears
Click (Show in Contents).
Note: Some pages are help specific and do not
appear in the table of contents.
Page through the Help as ordered in
the table of contents
Click (
Previous and Next).
View related how-to topics
Click (Related Links).
Locate an item alphabetically within
the index
Index in the left pane.
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Conduct a search
Click Search in the navigation pane, enter the word or
words to search on, and click
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after a search
Refresh on the shortcut menu.