Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
. Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server type. The following values are
• OnPremise. Specify this option for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook to connect
to a deployment that is installed at a company site and accessed internally or
externally through a virtual private network (VPN).
• SPLA. Specify this option if Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook will connect to a
partner-hosted Web site that is operating under a service-provider license agreement
(SPLA). In addition, you must select this option for Microsoft Dynamics CRM for
Outlook users who will connect to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server on premise
versions over the Internet.
ShowUser. Specifies whether to display the Connection Type page to the user who is
running the configuration wizard. If set to true, the Connection Type page is displayed and
the user can override the default settings that are provided in the XML configuration file. If set
to false, the Type attribute in the <ServerUrl> element will be used and the Connection Type
page will not be displayed during configuration.
<CEIP optin="true / false" />
Specifies whether you will participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. If
you specify true, you will participate in the program.
Note By default, the Customer Experience Improvement Program feature in
Microsoft Dynamics CRM is turned on. If later you decide that you do not want to
participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program, you can turn off
this feature in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. To do this, in the
Navigation Pane, click
Settings, under Settings, click Administration, in the
Administration area click Privacy Preferences, in the Privacy Preferences
dialog box clear the Yes, I am willing to participate anonymously in the
Customer Experience Improvement Program check box, and then click OK.
Specifies the name of the organization that the client will connect to.
<Database Reuseexisting="true / false" />
Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access only. Specifies whether to use an
existing Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook with Offline Access database or whether to
create a new one.
Important To install Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook to access a Microsoft
Dynamics CRM server by using the Internet, you must add the following
ExtranetServerUrl element and associated values.
Specifies the external URL of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server, where the Discovery
Serviceserver role is running. For full server deployments all server roles are installed on the
same server.
Sample Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook XML
Configuration Files
The following configuration-file example configures Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook to
participate in the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) and connects to the