Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Installing Guide
Task Subtask: Help Topic Title
Review your user interface. Determine
whether changes are needed to forms and
views. These changes can all be made from
the application. (This task is completed in the
Customization area of Settings.)
Learn about what can be changed: Requesting User
Interface Changes
• Customize entities: Customization Privileges
Define which Getting-Started tasks new
users see Control which business goals and
tasks appear on the Getting Started page.
(This task is completed in the Business Goals
section of Getting Started.)
Select goals and tasks to display: Business Goals Form
Goal 2: Integrate E-mail with Microsoft Dynamics CRM
In this table you will find the tasks to integrate e-mail messaging with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Task Subtask: Help Topic Title
Decide how e-mail message will be
processed. If you want to track incoming and
outgoing e-mail messages in Microsoft
Dynamics CRM, you must first understand the
configurations that are possible for incoming
and outgoing e-mail.
Learn about e-mail configurations: Understanding E-mail
Configure e-mail for each use
. Determine
whether the E-mail Router is required, and
install it if necessary.
Update all user records. Manage a User's Record
Install and configure the E-mail Route
Determine whether the E-mail Router is
required, and install it if necessary.
Install and configure the E-mail Router: Install the
Microsoft Dynamics CRM E-Mail Router
Learn about how to manage e-mail
activities. Understand how each e-mail
message that you receive and send can be
tracked as an activity.
Learn about how to manage e-mail activities: Managing
E-Mail Activities
Set system-wide e-mail options. Determine
whether to use tracking tokens in the subject
line of each e-mail message, and set other
options that affect all users. (This task is
completed in the Administration area of
Configure system-wide e-mail options: Manage System
Goal 3: Manage Customer Support
The following table lists the tasks that help you manage customer-support features in Microsoft
Dynamics CRM.
Task Subtask: Help Topic Title